Exciting offers and the latest deals

You’ll find the latest offers for Volkswagen online services here. Take advantage of your discount on selected services and Upgrades1 from VW Connect, We Connect2 3 and Car-Net4 now – our deals are time-limited. 

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Man sitting at home looking at a tablet

Find out what else your Volkswagen can do. Already got a Volkswagen and a valid VW Connect or We Connect contract? Then enjoy a month’s free trial and try out selected functions as a VW Connect or We Connect primary user now.


Take advantage of all online benefits now with myVolkswagen

myVolkswagen is the personal space for you and your Volkswagen. Here, you’ll find all the relevant information on your vehicle, exciting offers, services, deals and much more.

To log in, you need a Volkswagen ID user account – simply use the link below, then click “Login or register”. 

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Woman leaning on a Volkswagen looking at her phone

Find out how connectivity makes your life easier.  

Upgrades. Upgrade your Volkswagen with selected extra functions.

Woman sits on back seat of a VW Tiguan and uses We Connect on a tablet

VW Connect and We Connect activation. Find out how to activate your mobile online services here.

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